Important Information Regarding Our Privacy Policy

(ATR) On May 25 the EU General Data Protection Regulation will go into effect, take a look at our new privacy policy.



(ATR) On May 25 the EU General Data Protection Regulation will go into effect.

Effective May 24,Around the Rings has updated its privacy policy to comply with the requirements of this new regulation. In an effort to maintain the trust of our readers and subscribers we have outlined a clear change to these policies.

Please take a moment to review the updated policy, which can be found here.

The new Privacy Policy will enter into force on May 25, 2018. Your continued use of our services after that date will constitute a confirmation of your reading and understanding of these updates.

As a service to our readers, Around the Rings will provide verbatim texts of selected press releases issued by Olympic-related organizations, federations, businesses and sponsors.

These press releases appear to be around the rings and are not edited for spelling, grammar or punctuation.

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